Innovation - the layer that matters.
"...creative thinking and imagination... is as least as important as the ability to manipulate technology"
- Peter Whitehead, Digital Business Editor, Financial Times
Perhaps the question should be where it is. The i-Layer is the layer in any business where technical innovation can make a difference to the bottom line. It might be as simple as a new website - or as grand as a whole new infrastructure.
Whilst the one-size-fits all approach can work at the basic level, more complex business demands specialist skills and solutions.
At Innovation Layer we have both creativity and experience in business - and are long term practitioners in the artof providing effective technical solutions to business problems both old and new.
With mixed environments of Windows, Mac and Linux systems - together with a mobile workforce - becoming commonplace, we have the skills to transform your business, and allow technology to serve your business - not the other way around.
Where is the innovation layer in your business? Click here to find out.